
Dafuq... I might prefer other way around though

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    Its like treat Windows as 1st class citizen. (feel the same way :o)
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    @CSaratakij hopefully this way more people get to taste Linux and then switch permanently 😎
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    My reaction
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    I'd prefer to run Linux in an outer shell and Windows inside for games and such. Gpu makes it difficult though.
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    @mang But not the full experience though. (It sad cuz the whole experience is 10x better) (all foss stuff and full customizable is awesome xD)
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    @mlem virtualization is getting better though so there is hope
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    @mlem yep, somethings like actual NT subsystem to run only windows games is kinda cool (like wine did but official support from MS would be nice) (anyway, We all know thats not gonna happen anytime soon)
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    How would that work?
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    As i know NT implemented all funktions we know as Windows in one subsystem(i dont know anymore how it is called). And Ubuntu, bash and Fedora will be implemented as an own subsystem which communicates with the windows kernel. So all is wrapped onto windows System calls. Cygwin operates ontop the Windows Subsystem should be slighty slower than bash for windows.
    Bash for Windows -> Windows Kernel
    Cygwin -> Windows -> Windows Kernel
    i dont know the exact details.
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    What sort of loopy land have I entered?
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    I really wish Microsoft would just do away with the proprietary mess going on under the hood of windows and just slap their GUI and libraries on a Unix system so we could be done with doing things differently for windows. That would be a very good operating system.
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    @ninjatini such an easy way to break all windows software
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    @TheAnimatrix meh. Businesses don't upgrade their code or operating systems anyway, they shouldn't hold the whole world's environment hostage as a result.
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    @ninjatini switching to Linux at this point shouldn't damage anything however I'd be more worried over numerous windows developers losing their job... Literally Microsoft would be laying off 80% of their developers. Most importantly software such as games which are usually created only for Windows for whatever fucked up reason will be doomed. At this point one would consider it to be easy for the user to just install Linux instead of Windows switching over
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    @TheAnimatrix you could port the .net framework to a different system, they do it every release. Having the .net framework and windows front end on a Unix or Linux subsystem wouldn't be a big deal. It would just take developers and time.

    That's how os x is set up. Anyone can run and install Darwin but it's the apple libraries, front end and packaging that makes os x an Apple product.
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