
Working with stuff close to
the system really feels like
I'm working with arcane magic..

At least with Linux I can
look at the source ..

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    Sometimes it's better to not know.

    Trust me, the stuff I've seen.

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    @IntrusionCM Reminds me of the fact that some CPUs have undocumented instructions ..
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    @AndroidJester Make a repo / guide once you find out (´ゝ౪◔`)
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    @AndroidJester Intel and AMD have instruction documents for it.

    As they both have specific extensions to the X86 instruction set, e.g. SIMD extensions etc.
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    Scroll down to the AMD 64 programming guide.

    I think that's what you're looking for.
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    You might wanna read, if u like technical blogs for entertainment / musings:


    Apple GPU driver development by reverse engineering.

    I find it pretty amusing (though I don't understand everything) how they basically play the game of: What does this do...

    Plus some hilarious insights into how fucked up drivers are. And their APIs. And the hardware design. All fuckity. XD
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    That was a pretty way of describing Linux ngl
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