
l can't imagine how porn site develepers do they work. :P

  • 0
    easy solution use blind developers...

    Does brain cover { and } and other special chraracters?.... or maybe they have to use pascal of basic syntax....
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    @Zerq brail*
  • 5
    they have a load of work
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    I think they just show images and videos, the client mabe don't tell the developer that this site will be for porn
  • 6
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    just like any other developer ..
    after some time, building a porn website or shoes selling website is exactly the same, only more fun for the eye!
    unless it's a gay site and you're not into that ROFL
  • 3
    Did it before. At some point you get used to it that every other big breasted hottie leaves you saying, "Meh. I've seen better." Also, everyone keeps asking for passwords.
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    Sorry for the serious answer:
    they probably use default/sample vídeos without porn while developing just to put everything in place.
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