As a 0.1x programmer, I realised an important lesson today :
You can win school coding contests by plagiarizing code. No one cares, and no one will know.

Because the dude who won the contest was literally copying from Google and stackoverflow and they didn't caught him 😭

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    The best in every category are cheaters by definition.

    Because if you were the best, but didn't cheat, you could be better by cheating. So you're not the best...

    It happens in all sports, all games, and everywhere else in life. That doesn't mean you have to do it, it just means you won't be the best without doing it, and that's okay.
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    @bigmonsterlover here, teachers dont even caught those who copy *right during* the exams. in the exam hall.

    I'm not surprised but annoyed and exhausted now.
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    weird. I get paid for this shit
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    When the internet goes out then so does productivity. If someone cannot code without copying then how good will they be for more difficult problems? I learn a crap ton of principles from other people's code. But I have never seen how copying it is helpful to solve my particular problems.
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    @jackpearce that's stupid
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    Welcome to the software industry
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