Used a keylogger to get my cousin's facebook password.

Now that 12 year old kid thinks that I am a badass hacker secretly working for the NSA😎.

  • 7
    Well that's creepy
  • 2
    Stop it right away! Record and publish what is meant to be public, protect what is private!
  • 0
  • 0
    @maryn he kept clearing the browsing history and i wanted to see what he did online
  • 3
    Invading another person's privacy is no fun. Imagine someone knew all you do on your computer and smartphone. This is literally like opening letters not meant for you.

    Beside that you probably infested your computer with a malware by running the first keylogger you found on the Web. (but you won't notice since your computer is used for sending spam and DDoSing others in background)
  • 4
    Even if he was it's none of your business! Ask him directly (and receive a deserved "fuck off") or let it be. Seriously. If you did this to me, I'd go directly to the police
  • 5
    How about trying with trust instead of spying?
  • 0
    @shubhampotdar welcome to devRant!
  • -1
    @redstonetehnik thanks a lot man!!
  • 4
    You don't need freakin access to fb if you only wanna know what sites he's visiting.
    I would understand if you'd sniff him, but braking into his (no matter which one) account for that (sorry) stoopid reason is ethically absolutely incorrect.
    No matter if done like script kiddie or like a black hat.
    Shame on you.
  • -1
    @xia0u look if i was breaking into his account i would never have told him that i know his password. It was all just a little fun and games. He is a family member and i would never use that password in any manner that would harm him. I used the keylogger to see his Google searches and while doing that I got his fb password. I just played a joke on him telling him that I would hack his fb account. Ok so for once just calm down and stop being offended by such small stuff.
  • 2
    You did already use it in a bad manner because it was YOUR will in the first place and not his.
    That makes you a really bad, not trustworthy person.
    If I'd be your brother it would have been nice to meet you, stranger.

    I have a 13 yrs old daughter and sure I am full of sorrows sometimes - is that a reason to spy her? Seriously NO!
  • 1
    Much easier: inspect element, change type password to text. Profit.
  • 1
    @Dacexi that would require me to be physically present around him when he is logging in. Also my motive was not to get his password. If you want to know why i used a keylogger read the other comments where people have been barking away to glory.
  • 2
    Your intention does not make it better.
    As if that spieing makes you a good person or REALLY helps you to 'protect' him. Even if he had visited 'hard stuff' of any kind - that would have been in the past and you can not make him forget those pictures/stories.
    You can tell people how to prevent some situations and stuff, but what they do in then end is always their own decission.
    How many kids touch a hot plate after their parents advised to not do that?
    End of story.
    Sorry for my bad english. I'm german.
  • 0
    @xia0u pls tell me an alternative to spying and I will agree to your point.
  • 1
    Read my last comment again.
    It's like the baby and the hot plate. Rest is life - or did you do everything exactly like your parents or someone else close to you advised you to?

    I'm done here.
  • 2
    @shubhampotdar You lack perspective. Growing up in a climate of distrust and malice is far more damaging to a child than the occasional search for porn.
    At his age, he is not yet able to fully understand the reality of what porn is and means. Bans and threats from you will merely make it more appealing to him.
    The only way to deal with this issue properly, is to have a calm and factual discussion and educate him about the potential dangers of his behaviour without exaggerations or lies. But judging from your comments, you are not qualified to do this. So just leave it be. It is none of your business.

    Also, please stop insulting people.
  • 0
    @3141 It's funny how you can judge my character just by reading a few comments. And please tell me how you feel you know everything about what happened? Whether I had a discussion with my cousin or not? Look Sir, I didn't mean to insult anyone but it is really pissing me off how everyone is losing their minds over such a small post. Why can't everyone just stop poking their huge noses everywhere and stop trying to act as these intellectual bigshots full of honesty and integrity? And what I do to take care of my brother is none of your business.
  • 3
    @shubhampotdar you boasted with unethical and immature actions, and defended that behavior. This is what we judge you by.

    For you it might seem like a small meaningless thing, but some people consider it absolutely not tolerable. You are doing nobody a favor, especially not your cousin. You might think you do, but I think it made you feel good, because you had power over him for a short time. This good feeling is also the reason for your post here.

    Denying a person the freedom of self determination, privacy, creating an atmosphere of surveillance, and blackmailing or threatening ("I won't tell anybody if you...") is the opposite of a world where I want to live in. I hope you will understand one day.
  • 0
    @Huuugo So you are telling me to allow him to watch all the bad stuff? Seriously? Would you do that if your child did the same? And you talk about power. He is my brother. Making him feel small would never make me feel powerful. There is no boasting here. I am just telling everyone how small young children are fooled easily. I am just bringing out the funny side of their innocence. And I am not blackmailing or threating him. I am just warning him. I let him go once and I told him that I would not let him go the next time. That's it. With freedom comes responsobility and I don't see how a 12 year old kid is mature enough to be given such freedom. And if you keep blaming me in such a manner, soon the world you want to live in will be full of young children watching things they aren't supposed to watch.
  • 1
    @shubhampotdar you should allow him too. It's natural and protecting him from it will do more harm than good.
  • 0
    @Dacexi allow him??? He is just twelve. Are you even serious?
  • 0
    @shubhampotdar of course I am! I'm currently 15. I have 4 younger siblings. I started at ~11 years old. Let him life his life as he wants. Keeping them from discovering their sexuality can actually harm them as they have no idea what they are doing when it's time for the actual real deal.
  • 0
    @Dacexi porn is not a place to learn that. There is something known as sex ed. Let him grow a little older and he can watch whatever he wants.
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