I used to think that my life is worthless. Then I saw people on devrant....
turns out being worthless is kind of a developer thing.

  • 11
    Nah, it turns out that *thinking* you're worthless is a developer thing. Almost no one is truly worthless.
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    @Zaphod65 i can assure you i was just messing around😅
  • 6
    We are the pioneers of the new world. We are NOT worthless
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    It's not as bad as looks at first glance, you're catching people at peak emotion on this crazy rollercoaster. We made devRant specifically because life is not always sunshine and rainbows. It's good to have other real humans to connect with, not just the smiling social masks people wear for the world.
  • 1
    @trogus thanks for the heads up!
    Its really nice to connect to developers all around the world!
    My coding skills are kind of mediocre right now but now that i am here that problem will be solved in no time.So much to learn here!
  • 2
    Smart people can be quite insecure. It deserves its own nature documentary, a spectacular sight to behold.

    With a bit of confidence we can have anything the world has to offer.
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    @fives I think the insecurities also come from the ever growing competition and a will to prove oneself in a shorter span of time.
    Everyone wants to make an original and significant contribution.
    Devrant is literally the natural habitat of developers :P
  • 0

    I don't know about all that. I just know soft skills take you along way if you're also a highly skilled developer
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