
😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 the coldest walking sigma on the planet

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    i wish ppl will stop posting/meming/"ranting" abt him.

    Couldnt care less about what he or someone relating to him says on Twitter. Please stop bloating my feed.
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    He's very much an insecure beta, not a sigma. He's had a lot of stuff handed to him, and he's throwing a tantrum that twitter isn't going well. Turns out, running a company that isn't given government grants, is hard.
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    This whole greek alphabet stuff is nonsense...

    Let Elon Musk do whatever he wants, after all that's what's gonna happen anyways.
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    yes, burn twitter to the ground, please
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    @atheist weak argument. There are millions of rich kids but only a few would make what they are given thousandfold more.

    And what is wrong about government support if he is not bribing corrupt officials? He is obviously doing something with reduced costs.

    Let go of your empty wagie jealosy.
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    That’s hilarious
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    That was a joke

    ”It all started when Elijah Schaffer joked that Musk would be charging $16, that is, double the fee, for people who use they/them pronouns.”

    But it got reposted without the original clarification it was a joke.
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    Twitter's algorithm promotes outrage. This isn't anything new. They reap what they had sewn. I'm actually very happy that the platform can finally experience what it does to an entity's public image if it becomes a topic on Twitter.
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    I have no respect or empathy for Elon, and he's been using this exact same dynamic for market manipulation so I think any damage the uncontrolled positive feedback cesspool does to him is a form of poetic justice.
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    Empathy is for people who were, could have been, or might become like us. Elon Musk was born so rich that a life of idle luxury or drugged unconscious manic adrenaline chasing would not have leveled the playing field.
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    @aviophile I mean, there's the story of him having a meeting with advertisers to reassure them, and it going so well that they were cancelling their spend during the meeting. https://twitter.com/BriannaWu/...

    But sure, I'm jealous.

    He made a bloated offer as a joke, then was forced to follow through. I hate the pack analogy stuff, but it does kinda apply.

    He wants freedom of speech, but as long as its the right kind of speech. That's the very definition of not sigma. Buying founder status, bloating self image, very definition of not sigma.

    Silly fanboy.
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    @lorentz from what I have read he was not born rich, on the contrary, he got into college/high school equivalent in south Africa on a scholarship since the family did not afford it otherwise.
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    @atheist some idiot calling him elno trying to meme him desperately great source yeah. Plus, twitter has only 1m blue marks. It would provide only 8 M dollars per month which is pocket change compared to advertisement money. Math is hard for you.

    You still couldn’t address my point jim being immensely successful compared to other rich boys. Show me the list of people who got successful like Elon and Bezos. It is easy to say, he got money from daddy, ofc he is successful. But disprove it by showing me 100k elon like examples, you silly hater.

    Or will you link another speculative tweet chain, where is there is no proof but hearsay.
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    @Voxera don’t let truth get into way of jealous shitbringing. I heard some bullshit like.

    But thanks to idiots like @atheist, I even have learnt Elon Musk didn’t have a rich father showering him with money, it is the opposite.
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    There's a documentary series on Elon Musk available free via the BBC (UK national broadcaster) website, see 'iPlayer'. It's called The Elon Musk Show. Should clear up any uncertainty over his start in life.
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    @aviophile twitter bleeding 4m per day is hearsay?
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    @spongegeoff spoil it to me
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    @aviophile These Elon Musk fenbois really believe all he says word by word. U prob also belive his PR stunts were out of his heart. Or think that Teslas are cool cars.
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    @joewilliams007 nice ad hominem, no arguments. i don’t think bbc is simping for elon too. What is your claim? He inherited wealth from his father?
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    @aviophile Jup he did. He made the story up that he earned the money all himself from zero to hero. And ppl seriously fall for it.. Growing up Musk had always enough from everything. His parents spoiled him. And invested/gave him money to start working. Its not like the (or most) media portrays it.
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    @aviophile Yk i really hate argumenting abt this.. If you watch a video about spacex or anything musk related 99% of comments are ignorant fanboys who cant see/think further then what they are told. Try argumenting with them.. they always come up with bs
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    @joewilliams007 lie 1: he didn’t make up a story.
    Lie2: media doesn’t portray him like that either mostly. In fact, the lie about himinheriting mine where poir slaves worked is more widespread.
    You are applying weakstrawman tactic here
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    @joewilliams007 second ad hominem in your second argument. I disproved your lies, then you talk about commenters in videos. WTF?
    You are really flyweight in intellectual level.
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    @aviophile See, you have prooven nothing. You just said it was wrong. U see now where i was going with how stupid it is to argue with musk fanboys?
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    @aviophile still waiting for you to explain how the actions of such a genius business person led to twitter losing $4mil per day... But sure. Such a burn. That was Elon's justification for firing half the staff. I'm not convinced twitter was losing that much money before he bought it.

    My point was his actions tanked advertising spend on the platform. I mean, charging for a blue checkmark is stupid too, the verified feature was added to protect people from predators impersonating someone, so charging for it is only going to lead to people being harmed, don't get me wrong, but whatever.
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