
Elon musk has shown himself to be a terrible person, a worse manager and someone who hasn't a clue of what a code review is. A summarily fires so many people that he can't find someone to open the doors for his big in person meeting or the vet the badges. He offers 3 months termination pay or you can work 12 hours a day 7 days a week hardcore. But none of the payroll people are around anymore either. Critical subsystems have not a single engineer left to work on them. He's paranoid that employees will sabotage the software. But I think he's doing such a good job it would be impossible to tell that anyone else was helping him.
An engineer wrote a prescient seven page report listing problems ahead including user verification. So Elon twit-fired him.
Also entirely predictable is the stress that the world cup will put on the system beginning today, I believe. He doesn't "like" microservices.
I work for the psychiatrist once who barely needed to sleep. Maybe Elon can function with 12-hour days week in week out. But it's cool to think you're going to squeeze substantially more work out of people by doubling their hours. More likely you will more than double their errors and what will that do to you budget? 50 years ago IBM determined that the best way to improve programmer productivity was to give each one their own office.
I can't believe he's whining over spending 13 million dollars a year on food. That is so far from being a strategic item. Soapbox out.

  • 10
    Whats the point in living when your working 12h a day. Arent we made to live instead of to work. I dont have a job yet but im also not looking foward to being a slave for some company, completing their goals for more than 50% of my wakee time.
  • 6
    And also thanks for posting that guy. We here are big fan. At least your rant seems to have more feelings compared to all the other ppl posting straight bs from what they see on twitter and on their fox news
  • 1
    Tbh, @joewilliams007, I don't see any accountable content in OPs utterance.
  • 4
    The main problem is not Elon but Uhmerican work laws. You guys have zero worker protection. 12h/day shouldn't be allowed without a guarantee of pauses inbetween.
  • 1
    @joewilliams007 i haven’t seen immature bullshit like this in a week. Hardworking people mive societies further, not salary collectors like you. We would still be homo erectus if we only “lived our lives”
  • 1
    I have seen your types 100s time before. Elon Musk does sth unusual, everyone goes “now he will be unsuccessful”. And he adds another success.

    And you have do many unclaimed bullshit in your jealous gossip-sorry rant.
  • 2
    @aviophile thank you for not understanding my comment. You may read it again. And thanks for that tone aswell you seem very friendly
  • 0
    @aviophile i wouldnt call Elon a success as you seem to be he is (?). But you may not be able to se behind his facades as many others cant aswell.
  • 0
    @aviophile oh and talking about immaturity.. your profiles "humor" reminding me of the 9yo
  • 1
    Elon N is probably one good example of a person who turned from a really passionate kid to this evil oligarch..

    Bucket load of money does not justify a person firing people from their job via twit. It does not even justify appearing with sink on his first day at work. I wonder how'd he reacted if one his subordinates did exactly he did on day one.
  • 1
    @joewilliams007 then you should start your own work for better productivity
  • 2
    The only people desperate enough to go hardcore have work visas or need healthcare. You can't simply double productivity by doubling weekly hours. The error rate will skyrocket more than wiping out any increased output.
  • 0
    @joewilliams007 Let me tell you a secret. Human beings for the entire history worked from morning to night and in most of the world it has not changed at all. You are privileged and detached from reality.
  • 0
    Do you actually work in Twitter or just spend too much time on social media?
  • 0
    Hunter gatherers work far fewer hours then we do.
  • 0
    @30hrs that shouldn’t be your concern. We will all see the results.
  • 0
    @30hrs and they died during that work more than us. Hunter gatherer society is not a paradise as you dreamof.
  • 0
    @Paradox do you even know what oligarchy is?
  • 0
    @joewilliams007 even i don’t check myprofile. Why do you? You think you will find some arguments related to this topic?
  • 0
    @30hrs That's just a pseudoscience guess, same as our interpretation of how dinosaurs would look, in reality we don't have enough data and even if that's still a anomaly comparing to the rest of recorded history.
  • 0
    @PAKA awesome that they did so. Feel free to do so aswell.
  • 0
    @aviophile yep. Was checking if you always have this unfriendlyness and certainly it was worse
  • 0
    @aviophile not sure if sure your fountain of knowledge is overflowing but you'd enlighten me nonetheless..
  • 0
    I never called it a paradise. I just said that we work a lot harder than they do.
  • 0
    @Paradox deflection won’t change my claim: you didn’t know the meaning of oligarch, used it as a go-to word for any rich man that you don’t like.
  • 0
    @joewilliams007 i don’t have to be friendly with automatic shit flingers like you.
  • 0
    @30hrs we work longer, not harder. Those mofos were tracking deer, climbing heights to gather and hunt things. They weren’t jogging around green pastures and chew berries from bushes after 3 hours of walk. They had the fisk of being hunted, getting poisoned, dehydration or not finding food at all. Even if they found something, they had to protect where they were living. it wasn’t 3-4 of hour hunt and the rest being sleep/socializing.
  • 1
    @aviophile Who do you think you are You sound like someone fucked you up real bad
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