
I think one shouldn't be friend with their colleagues specially they are tester or manager .. Its hard to manage then.

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    It just happens and can be awesome. As long as there are some clear boundaries. A manager should know when to gtfo and let the underlings have some freedom. Tester should not be influenced. So discuss the code bits after it's tested.

    Never had a dedicated tester in my team but I reckon the same goes as with reviews. Pair programmer reviewing often misses some obvious things because the mindset is synced.
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    Just don't manage them then. Friendship is magic and therefore way more important than managability.
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    Being professional means being the best drinking buddy and not asking questions when buddy carries a shovel and a mysterious large bag...

    Cause then you can be honest with each other no matter what happens.
  • 0
    @IntrusionCM I like your style!

    hey, do me a favor? Will you carry this shovel for me?
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