What the shitbiscuit is happening with trying to build a single window, 200 line node project? Who thought it is a good idea to use ShitScript to write desktop applications?

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    A) I don't understand what npm has to do with a desktop app (barring retarded shit like dependencies calling npm directly, which is, admittedly, retarded. Way more retarded than js already is.).

    B) JS in desktop already existed (electron). It's retarded, yes, but, it's what it is. It hogs ram. Like chrome.

    In the end, this happened because there are people who are "js only" who are delighted that other people did POC that you can run JavaScript (read, V8), anywhere, because, guess what, V8 is C.
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    @CoreFusionX I have you know, I will happily write desktop apps with just webkit / webview.
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    Could it be.... Shit Js code?
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    Well, I'm sorry but I can't agree. If you are doing a web app, it's a web. Make it available through a browser, like webs are.

    If you need stuff browsers don't let you do, like filesystem access, UDP sockets, etc,

    Then you *don't make a web app*, because web is not the medium for it.
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    @CoreFusionX wwwwwwww yes, I will surely never make anything like that again.

    Proceeds to love Deno + Webview, cry me a river.
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    @CoreFusionX Btw, your stupid suggestion completely ignores that apps written with web technologies can be OFFLINE ONLY, you saying it should be a website is the dumbest thing I have heard in a while.
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    mmmmmm raspbian
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    @CoreFusionX vscode is electron and that works pretty good.

    And Firefox at least used to be similar as in all gui was ja, css and xul which was asort of strict html with some extras.
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    On another note the trinity killer reminds me of you fucked up people
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    @Voxera wouldn't you say that it works good only up to a certain level? I have found that large projects do smoke the crap out of VS Code(in terms of memory consumption) as optimized as it can be. But I have seen some people use VS Code for things that I would imagine a full fledged IDE would be able to do, even if I somewhat consider VS Code an IDE.
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    And, of course, you are free to keep doing whatever you want, and I'll keep being my stupid self and keeping stuff where I think it belongs 🙂
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    @AleCx04 I have not done such big projects then, or I have had way to much juice in the computer to notice.

    Backend has always been the heavy lifter in the applications I built and that was done in visual studio.

    But I have seen amazing things created in js, like emscriptems cross compilation of rail road tycoon deluxe from c++ to js along with all graphics and sound, running smoothly.
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    Writing desktop applications with web technologies kills the rain forests... :'(

    @CoreFusionX @spongessuck

    It was trying to download dependencies. Hadn't even started running the code itself.


    I agree with you. VS Code is cool and cute until your project gets to a certain size. After that, you want a serious IDE like VS that's written in grown ups' language.
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    >After that, you want a serious IDE like VS that's written in grown ups' language.

    This is why people laugh about you, not with you.
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    Happy to make people happy
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