StackOverflow, if the community's peer review process is as good as you claim, why would you have to fear any AI / chatGPT generated content after all?

Notice today: "We do not currently allow content pasted from ChatGPT on Stack Overflow; read our policy here."

  • 7
    Because people don't want to waste their time on reviewing auto-generated bullshit.
  • 0
    could they even tell the difference though?
  • 7
    @fraktalisman In most cases I think yes since they apparently did notice.

    One big problem with bots is that they will only provide answers that have already been posted some where else, they are currently not able to create new solutions, which means that if they take over due to the ease of use we will get less new solutions and the quality will eventually drop.
  • 4
    The point is it sounds like it could be right but a lot of it isn't. So it requires more time and effort to verify. Which wastes the time of users.
  • 2
    Everything the others said

    + this might give points to people that don't deserve it , which means they would look knowledgeable based on their AI answers, but if the AI is down, or they decide to answer something on their own instead because the *think* they know the answer, they could provide wrong answers and be to some extent trusted because of their fake AI points.

    Not to mention, if all they do is paste AI answers, then the person might as well just ask the AI directly. The whole point of StackOverflow is to get human answers from humans that have an evolving experience. Don't forget that chatGPTs knowledge ends where it was last trained. Which is like 2019 Or something. It's not easy nor trivial to audit the content that goes into training these things. So they will always be out-dated until we bypass that with reasonable performance
  • 0
    @Voxera For now, it can do some pretty good job.

    True, the chatGPT crashed a few times but in the end, it can give you a pretty descent neural networking program. (Or something that could help in understanding the basics)

    It can help to understand some crazy math functions you see on wikipedia.
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