
Why everyone who claim to know a lot about web security and encryptions is not able to help me check if my system is secure :/
And some try to charge me afterwards -.-"

If they expect payment they should state that at beginning and be able to actually do something...

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    Please hire a professional with some references. Not people who claim to be able to do it. I claimed I could hack, too, when I was 11yo.
  • 0
    @Huuugo I would never gave access to random person and I will hire professionals when I finish. Deal is they can practice and I will eliminate any stupid holes I might have.

    @Artemix https is something I will add when I do official beta release, for now there's no point paying for it. But thanks for advice :)
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    @Artemix last time I check (about 5 years ago) I had to pay for https, didn't check it since then :P
    Thank you, I will buy you chocolate or beer if I ever meet you irl :D
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