Note to devs here. Please don't choose a framework for the hype at your work. Use it on your own time or company hackaton/learning time.

I'm looking at you angular.
Production ready doesn't mean sanity ready.
Now because some dev choose such technology for arbitrary reasons. (hype, latest acronym on CV). I spend more time debugging and understanding than I would if some simpler technology was chosen. Look at all the options then choose the simplest one that has and seems to have active maintenance. Zen of python is the best thing to happen in programming and I think everyone, even if you don't like Python should follow it. Save you and your colleagues brain time and ask for advice.
Also IMO react is probably third or second best option, higher if one requirement is to be react native. Angular is even lower because it's complexity is unforgivable when a dev has not enough front-end experience.

  • 3
    But I like angular...
  • 1
    Me AngulaJS too likings...
  • 0
    Yeah I agree. We tested out node but swiftly swapped it with Erlang & elixir. Less cool and hippie but far superior in what we're building
  • 0
    Yes I understand you. I'm weighing in Elixir to rearchitecture our high throughput servers
  • 0
    @assertnotnull have you connected any database to your servers? We're thinking what we can use to achieve low latency and high reliability. Maybe riak? Got any experienced to share...?
  • 0
    I didn't work with Elixir yet. Facing the problem of exponential ram usage with node when something like a 40 MB json is in memory. In my case, I think redis and/or rethinkdb will be very helpful.
  • 0
    @assertnotnull ok got it. I'm not sure how good elixir or the Erlang OTP is at handling that large data sets straight in the VM either. But would be surprising if it's worse than node.
  • 1
    Vue.js will save us all..
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