I don't want to live in this world anymore. People are making fidget spinner apps, which are completely useless and getting 1 million+ downloads. And I am working hard to make educational app and hardly got 100 downloads with 0.03$ earnings.

  • 14
    @mrtnrdl atleast it will not give that app downloads for sure.
  • 2
    @kalai0215 you are the man. Your comment only restored my faith and sanity.
  • 4
    Let them spin it! I bet it's another malware like Judy though. :D
  • 29
    Education apps, you amateur. In a stupid world, stupid things are profit
  • 11
  • 5
    @edwrodrig This app has changed my motive.
  • 9
    Mother fucker! Why did i actually try to sell 3d printed ones!?
  • 10
    Make the same app that spins with hello world inside of it, and they'll say: wow an AI spinner, let's download πŸ™„πŸ˜’
  • 2
    Can we try to do everything in apps like shiting app, hugging app, #420blazeit app, etc and manage to get 1 mil downloads
  • 8
    Maybe I should make a app that does nothing literally just shows 'Doing Nothing' for those moment when you don't want to do nothing. Maybe I would get the same kind of download.
  • 0
    What's your app
  • 1
    @thegamblerises it's nothing just a meta search app. Mostly downloaded for torrents.
  • 4
    Gotta post my idea for the best of the community

    Make "I'm richer" and price it 2x "I'm rich"
  • 2
    @thegamblerises and yes there's other educational one. Word learning app which shows random word and its definition by refreshing every time. I made it for my personal use to improve my vocabulary. It helped me a lot so i decided to publish it.
  • 0
  • 3
    Perhaps you need to add a fidget spinner to your app! Remember, edutainment is where it's at.
  • 0
    I feel ya, bruh!
  • 7
    The world is a shallow place full of shallow people who are drowning in their own shallowness, and the success of a fidget spinner app proves it.

    I just realised I have no idea what I'm talking about...
  • 2
    Dude show us your app we'll download and rate it well!
  • 4
    Make an app, that searches all the apps in a phone, and if it finds this app, then the app will say "how fool you are!", Else "how cool you are!"
  • 1
    @vertti i am afraid that i am a new to Android app development so i may become a joke in this community. I appreciate you. Btw my app's name is radomword. Search camelcase.randomword if you want to try.
  • 1
    No. 1??? *installs*
  • 6
    @tankmohit11 dude your app is good! It's simple and the job it needs to, I have a suggestion though, could you make a dark theme? Lol oh and this one might be a bit harder but could you make it so you link a pronunciation of the word? Though I guess some words wouldn't have them.
  • 2
    @f03n1x I have my exams in next week. Those features are on top of my todo list.
    Thanks​ for suggestions.
  • 8
    @tankmohit11 ah sweet well I paid for ad removal hopefully towards getting a coffee :D
  • 2
    Man that is so nice of you. I wish i can payback any time soon.
  • 7
    Goat simulator doesn't look that pointless anymore... Sigh...
  • 3
    What about a fidget spinner that you can ask questions? Like a magic 8 ball, maybe something like fidget ball spinner? Lol you wouldn't even need to voice detect just have some generic answers that apply to everything and when it spins and one is randomly selected then TTS it! 😁😁
  • 3
    @mortanius damn thats a multi milion dollar idea there. Quickly do it before it expires.
  • 4
    Just make an app about covfefe and you're set
  • 0
    You are one of them who advertising the fidget spinner.πŸ˜€
  • 0
    Cool app, love the design.

    Also would love a dark theme.
  • 1
  • 1
    That`s called Marketing. You need to know the market and needs as well as your targetes audience.
    You cannot compare your app with the fidges spinner ones because it`s totally different audience.
  • 1
    @RamChandra strangely enough I think there's actually an app like that. Or the most useless app in the world or something.. πŸ€”πŸ˜πŸ”«
  • 0
    Seriously, I just can't get this whole fidget spinner thing. okay, its cool but its just a goddamn toy!! wtf is this crazy obsession with a toy??
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