Most toxic work culture ?? oh boy where do I start.

Getting verbally abused and physical threats over bugs found in production.

All kinds of office politics going around where everyone openly admitted not liking others in other departments.

Your day's salary gets taken away if u are late by even 1 min. And no overtime pay and no you cannot say no to that either or end up getting laid off.

Company brags about giving their employees their salary on time.

Only the devs who have lasted more than 10 years in the company will be heard.

After so many job switches I managed to find one where I get to WFH and pretty much face no toxicity from others.

  • 19
    Starting over again as a junior coder at a startup airline but at the age of 41 among guys in their early 20s. They treated me like a dinosaur and gave me zero benefit of the doubt. Then they ganged up on me with HR to get me fired.

    Or maybe it was when I was part of a team of mostly women who spent a lot of time making sure the men never were considered for any advancement and ensured that only women got the top slots. I got “quiet fired” (transferred, then laid off) for trying to drag the department into the modern world.

    Or maybe when I tried to suggest needed improvements to team and work structures and got fired for making the suggestion.

    I often wonder how the world continues to operate at all with management like I’ve experienced.
  • 4
    Sounds like India? Or some other eastern-southern asian or african country.
  • 2
    @netikras Bingo !! It's India.
  • 2
    Which company is this ? Just asking because I'm curious ... Don't feel pressured to share incase you want to remain anonymous
  • 4
    @sam94 It's actually many companies not just one. I've worked at about 6-7 companies and each of them had their own toxic culture. I just collected each of them and posted it lol.
  • 5
    @stackodev bunch of extroverts being extroverts, that's why.

    If it makes you feel better, I work on a volunteer project where 50 and 60 year olds who have little JS experience but a lot of COBOL experience from the 80s are able to work on developing new app features. Sometimes they can't catch up on specific concepts but I learned never to underestimate them as they have come through with significant bug fixes during the time I've worked with them.

    Lastly, just want to say thank you for your work in the tech industry. I do feel that older ones in this industry do get taken for granted, but I appreciate everything you've done 👍🏻 Don't let them slow you down
  • 5
    @OzzyTheGiant Thank you so much. I can’t remember ever being told thank you for contributions I’ve made! It means a ton!
  • 2
    @stackodev I would like to work with people like you! You sound like very cool veteran developer that has all kinds of stories, ton of experience and one that still keeps up to date with the industry!

    You are awesome!
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