
Holy shit did Google become fucking useless

Today I spent a good hour looking to buy replacement / low-light lenses for my googles, and all I got were stores from US, or small stores that don't deliver across the Europe. When I gave up and opened Bing, the first result was the exact product I was looking for, from the brand's official EU store. I'm seriously considering switching to Bing now...

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    Enter ensemble learning.
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    What the hell is going on with Google lately. I do not take the position that they are failing at all. Everything is on purpose.

    You: "best way to fit a door to a house"

    Google: "A house is a place where people live"

    You "delete multiple files on linux"

    Google "Linux is a type of operating system"
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    I found the technical searches were better with Bing or Bing derived search engines.
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    There might be hope for bing
    Noone uses it and Google monetizes advertising in search results and also people willfully pollute search trends and ratings to be assholes
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    @Demolishun you know if a group of people spent as much time as has-been wasted compiling only the best information and links and videos they could create another internet which wasnt so polluted with bad porn crap arguments fake news and shit search engines
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    @AvatarOfKaine People are working on an alternate internet and even an alternate financial system. I have seen talks about this on Gab. Though I don't spend much time there at all.
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    @Demolishun well if we could only kick all the pedophiles and garbage onto this one and then create a parallel network the rest of us could find our golden porn and stack overflow articles and escorts on heh and valid news
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