Things I regret immediately after doing it:
1) Masturbation
2) Overeating
3) git commits

  • 21
    Who regrets 1 and why wtf
  • 4

    If (!haveGirlfriend)
  • 3
    You don't regret a git commit. You deal with it.

    Or, you know, you commit just before a co-worker does to be safe and don't give a care. Heh.
  • 1
    What overeating ? I eat something and after 3-4 hours Iam hungry again.
  • 3
    @juzles cleaning the mess
  • 3
    @juzles when you wank one off to that really fucked off porn
  • 3
    @juzles the after masturbation, which makes you feel stress free and relaxed, might slow down your performance for the project at hand, also the vulnerability increases to more circumstances you observe, like big ass - fap, big boob - fap, etc.
    Its worse when they are your workplace colleagues
  • 2
    @sam9669 it's worse if they're your colleagues and you do it in the office
  • 1
    Hint: you can undo git commits or merge with the next, fixing one (--amend)
  • 1
    @sam9669 heh Project at hand
  • 1
    I guess after several seconds regret, you will probably do them again.
  • 2
    I just love how many perfectly honest thoughts about wanking are in this commentsection.
  • 0
    Never tell your girlfriend about ruined orgasm (male). And don't ever show her the video of it. If you do then wait till she forgets about it, and then have sex with her.
    It was a tough week guys.
  • 0
    @Letmecode do a search about ruined orgasm.
    Do it at your own risk.
  • 0
    I don't need masterbation.
    Life fucks me up really good.
  • 1
    You don't have to regret a commit unless you pushed it !
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