
This is exactly why I’ve left IBM.

  • 9
    42$ doesn't seem like a lot :)
  • 1
    Upgrading to Holmes
  • 2
    Watson won at Jeopardy though. ChatGPT still has to take that test.
  • 4
    IBM is a cancerous polyp on the intestine of technology.

    Anyone who has worked there in the last 10 years that shit is getting old fast.
  • 2

    <Microsoft/Google/Amazon/Apple/etc> is a cancerous polyp on the intestine of technology.

    You are not wrong, but they all bring a flavor of fucked up with them.
  • 3
    Some companies manage to get less done than if their engineers just kept building shit on their own with no coordination.
  • 0

    I’m not sure you can compare IBM with Google, MS or Apple.
  • 2
    There is one thing in common with all of my employers over the years: They were all trying to get as far away from IBM’s software, hardware, and platforms as fast as they could.
  • 1
    @TheEnd Good for them!
  • 2
    By the way, the fact that IBM is older than Alan Turing is bizarre to me.
  • 2
    @lorentz I think you missed the point here. IBM transitioned from computer and software engineering company to sales, but still advertise themselves a a former.
  • 0
    Don't they mean 42 million ?
  • 1
    And personally I'd like to invest in their train management software
    It's what the world presently needs with all of these pieces of shit running around
  • 0
    @yehaaw truthfully? They still have tons of software downloads and host cloud. Heh.
  • 0

    Have you ever worked with IBM engineers or been an employee of IBM as a SDE? No? Do that and let’s talk again. 😉
  • 1
    @yehaaw nope wasn't questioning
    Just surprised
  • 0

    They’re not even that good at sales. Look at their stocks. IBM is a joke I swear.
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