
I don't get it -.-!

  • 5
    Damn good one
  • 14
    False stop working, example open big file with program that will not stop reading until the end of its file line. (imagine > 1000 line) and then if that program is not separate ui thread with this operation (long processing logic in ui thread) (i/o block) Windows can think that program is not working (but it still working 😂)
  • 4
    Some times, these programs act like critical thinkers. So we "force stop" them.
  • 22
    Not quite accurate, the knife it gives you is a trick knife. It does not work ...
  • 1
    @rusty-hacker alt + f4 is a good knife
  • 35
    Windows gives you a knife while Linux will give you a chainsaw to murder the whole bloodline of that "critical thinker"
  • 1
    windows is a coward !!! =)
  • 1
    @razor - you need to kill the process itself (by using the taskbar or powershell) instead of Windows doing it for you, that's why windows gives the user the 🔪
  • 2
    Windows' SIGTERM just kinda keeps poking at the program to try to get it to stop, and BSODs if it can't. UNIX just kinda... stabs it several times?
  • 4
    @matsaki95 the best knife ever is ctrl+c :p
  • 2
    @matsaki95 that's why it's the best
  • 0
    Stolen from reddit...
  • 1
    Then who are you? Pablo Picaso?
    Here No copyright issue dude 😂 @aditya23
  • 6
    @aditya23 might be, but I'm thankful, I'd never seen it otherwise, I don't go into Reddit
  • 3
    @shinoys I was only asking to give proper credits or to mention its source...
  • 3
    @aditya23 it literally says on the image for heavens sake
  • 1
    Lmao. What about the times when the task manager itself stops responding.
  • 0
    @thecode dont worry. NT kernel will kill its xD
  • 1
    @pythonR Linux gives u a nuke lol
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