Fuck these big ass companies being “affected” with macro economic bullshit and what-aboutery and laying off innocent people every goddamn day. I feel like some of these are not even affected and just doing it in order to just make more money for the billionaire CEOs.

  • 4
    This might come as a surprise to you, but most companies' sole purpose is to make money to their owners. That's how capitalism works.
  • 3
    You know what, those CEOs and bosses have little to do with it nowadays. Most companies are actually owned by some investment scheme, while the money they're operating with belongs to large groups of people with no interest in the actual companies, e.g. people with long-term bank deposits, hedge fund investors, retirement funds, etc. Bosses and CEOs have been placed there for one reason only: to maximise the return on investment for some grandma's retirement fund, because that's what the investment managers need to get more people into their scheme and to earn themselves a big salary with someone else's money. Even if those CEOs care about the company and the people, they have no choice but to do whatever it takes to reach the end-of-the-year goals for the people who really own the money behind those companies.
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