
Java will never die. Fuck what anyone says otherwise

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    LoL. Now I understand why you love angular so much.
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    Java will die. Just as soon as the devs that are propping it up all die.
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    Countless business applications are written in Java - of course it won't die in the next few decades. Even Cobol is still alive (it became OOP in 2002)!
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    Because 3 billion devices run java.
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    To be fair, because of competition from Kotlin Java was forced to improve things, and modern versions of Java are quite decent. If they keep up the improvements I think Java will stay relevant for some time.

    At my company we are using Java for most of micro services and I have no complaints.

    We are of course on the latest lts version of Java, legacy versions are a pain to work in (8 or lower) and I would probably include 11 as the legacy version as well.
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    Everything will die. One day the Sun will envelope Earth. But Java will remain.
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    Well Java ain't going anywhere anytime soon, since the JVM (that things like kotlin, while more modern as a language, still use) isn't going anywhere soon.

    And while Java remains the reference driving language for the JVM, it will never disappear.
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    @tHe-jAsE This is actually plausible. JS runs on more devices than Java.
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    Just because it won’t, doesn’t mean it shouldn’t.
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    Java is <3
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    @b2plane would like a word...
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    @tHe-jAsE I like that it is very little effort to get Minecraft working on other platforms. It also allows for new releases of the game to be easily uncompiled to aid modding.

    For work I have rarely had a need for Java. I don't create phone apps and would rather use something else for most of my development.
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    Minecraft ain't got nothing to do against Doom in terms of portability. 😂
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