
Fucking incompetence

Senior level developer with 15 years of software development experience ...

ends up writing brute force search on a sorted data - when questioned he's like yeah well dataset is not that large so performance degradation will be marginal

He literally evades any particularly toil heavy task like fixing the unit test cases , or managing the builder node versions to latest ( python 2 to 3 ) because it's beneath him and would rather work on something flashy like microservice microfrontend etc. -- which he cannot implement anyway

Or will pick up something very straightforward like adding a if condition to a particular method just to stay relevant

And the management doesn't really care who does what so he ends up getting away with this

The junior guys end up taking up the butt load of crappy tasks which are beneath the senior guy

And sometimes those tasks are not really junioresque - so we end up missing deadlines and getting questioned as to why we are are not able to deliver.

Fuck this shit ... My cortisol shoots up whenever I think of him

  • 4
    What a prick
  • 7
    Sounds like me.

    I do the brute force shit because I get done with it in an hour and can move onto other shit that needs to get done.

    Sure, I could spend a day or two writing this really extravagant code that's run once or twice a day to finish in five minutes, but the ROI of my time on it would be meaningless.

    So, I just keep hammering screws because management keeps giving me screws and refuses to acknowledge we need a drill.

    My KPI is tasks completed, not quality of craftsmanship.
  • 2
    Get a few pair of surgical gloves. Buy a kitschy card like Hallmark. 'Congradulations!' kind of thing. Find a credit card like plastic card. Adulterate the type to read: EUTHANASIA IT'S THE NEW GIFT CARD!

    Create suitable graphics. Still wearing surgical gloves to leave no fingerprints leave the card somewhere there are NO CCTV cameras (THIS IS ESSENTIAL!).

    Laugh your ass off when you see he's opened it but can't identify who left it.

    Your cortisol will thank you.
  • 0
    Make it work first, make it fast later. Make sure you have perf tests to actually see it by some measure. IF I know perf is paramount then of course some additional effort needs to be put in. But this seem not to be the case here. Having good perf tests and being able to follow it over time in the automated tests makes great points of improvements and discussions.

    I mean, in many applications there is no need for optimizing speed. 🤷🏼‍♂️ It’s just a fact for some things we build. When we come to a point where we say that it will work and it does and the execution time is acceptable then by some definition you have something that is finished. Software is never going to be finished. Ever. There is always going to be _more stuff to do_. And I would value having a steady velocity in the team, moving forward (and sometimes backwards!) and meeting demands (deadlines, quality, perf, business, functional whatever) higher than having the most optimal performant code.
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