
Wow. so many dumbass posts on LinkedIn talking about things they have no idea about!

Want to call it out. But don't want to give them additional traffic lol

  • 3
    ChatGPT hype died on DevRant, but not on LinkedIn yet. :)
  • 2
    Try /r/linkedinlunatics :)
  • 0
    If they're badmouthing someone or talking in some forum-like group then it might be okay to correct them.

    But I would avoid correcting personal brag posts.

    If someone would write a personal post like "I love programming html"... if I saw someone reploy with "html isn't a programming language" that would kinda be a red flag that the replier is a bit off.

    Those kind of cold facts work on SO/reddit/devrant but LinkedIn isn't the type of platform for that.
  • 1
    @jiraTicket The first one I had the urge was someone saying agile is trading speed for quality and soo many people were commenting and agreeing with it.

    and the latest one was this guy claiming on-premise solutions are like installing programs using disc. He's obviously trying to rile people up for whatever his Saas product is but it's so disheartening to see the comments going "OMG. we need to go to the cloud" because of what this guy says
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    @iceb In those cases I wouldn't mind if someone wrote a skeptical reply.

    cause those posts are bashing something.
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