This isn't really a Dev related rant, more of a life rant. Things have been going pretty badly for me lately, so I apologize if this comes across as complaining or whining.

This morning, I got in a car accident that totaled my car. It was a 1996 Chevy Camaro that I had been fixing up and restoring over the last few years and I had it running pretty well. The accident was my fault and I told the police as much, because I value honesty over screwing over others for my own benefit. Money has been very tight lately because my wife was out of work for the last bit of her pregnancy, so we ended up having to move to a 1 bedroom apartment that I could afford rent on my own. She also has a son who is now 13, so space is pretty tight. Money got even tighter once we had the baby. She's 10 weeks old now.

I've barely made the $1500/month rent on my own here, usually paying 1-2 days late because we're living paycheck to paycheck. Our lease is up at the end of July and they won't let us renew because of this.

The bad part is that I was driving a car that had expired registration because I couldn't fix it to pass the state smog test and my license expired two weeks ago. I haven't been able to afford insurance, so every time I drove, it was a gamble.

I'm now going to have to pay these damages out of pocket for the other car.

We're now having to move into my mother in law's house for about 4 months so we can get out of this financial hole we've gotten into.

I feel like I've failed as a father and a husband.

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    @Sleepy-guy I appreciate that and I hope you're right. It's just that we've been fighting a financial battle over the last year or so and it seems like every time we get a leg up, something happens and we're even deeper into our financial woes.

    I'm considering a debt consolidation service. Does anyone have any experience with that?
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    @tarstrong Yep, it's toast. I got it in 2014 for free from my mother-in-law, fixed it up, and kept it going for three years. I learned a lot about working on cars by doing that. I even replaced the transmission in my wife's car, so I consider myself pretty savvy at working on cars.

    My car still runs, but given the amount of damage and considering the value of the car, it's not worth the money just in parts to fix it. The frame is probably bent too.

    I got T-boned right about where the front driver side tire is at. The picture doesn't do it justice.
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    When you're losing a battle, the best option is to retreat fast to a safer position, gather your strength and mount an impenetrable defense that turns to offense once reinforcements arrive.
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    @apisarenco That's an interesting analogy. It makes sense though, as that's what I'm doing, basically.
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    aww. :(
    keep on being strong dude. Your family needs you. You'll come around again. I hope your mother in law will be kind while you stay with her.
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    @yzhea Thank you. She's a nice lady, mostly. We get along pretty well, so it's not too bad. I just hate that I have to depend on her for a few months when I should be the one providing this security for my family. It's a blow to my pride, I suppose.
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    @Gogeta70 yes, i understand. Just don't forget her when you're up again in the world. All the best of luck :)
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    @yzhea Thanks! I will definitely remember how she helped us. But... I also remember how she kicked me out when my wife and I were staying with her for a couple weeks because of black mold in our apartment. I'd only been there 2 or 3 days and she kicked me out for unknown reasons. All I was told was that I was not married to her daughter (at that time) and they didn't want me staying there too long. Her kindness has limits, I guess. She told me that won't happen this time though, so we'll see.
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    @Gogeta70 must me the morals kicking you out haha. but now that you're married let's hope for a warmer and longer welcome :P
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    i dont think you did, the fact that your trying so hard says a lot while most people bail. Hang in there.
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