My experience with Adobe...
(I recently moved to Canada)

Me: I want to give you money. (Tries to pay with Canadian card)

Adobe: Sorry, you have a US account, you must use a US card.

Me: Okay, what are my options to pay with my Canadian card?

Adobe: We have to delete your US account and create a Canadian one.

Me: Okay... Why can't you just switch the country from US to Canada on my account?

Adobe: *bullcrap response*

Me: Okay, delete it and transfer everything.

*Kicks me out of the chat.
*I log back in. Try to reconnect to customer service chat.

Adobe: AdobeID unable to participate in chat.

*I'm 30 minutes into this ordeal

Me: (to myself) I could literally torrent this program in 5 minutes 🤔

Lesson: if a company wants people to not torrent their software make it easier for a willing fucking customer to buy your software!

Since the chat doesn't work anymore, I called customer service and am still on hold.... 😤😤😤

Why does the internet have borders?

  • 7
    write it in an email and send them.
    tell them you will be using a different solution untill they contact you to resolve the problem.
  • 6
    Bought the Adobe shit when they still shipped it the old way, DVD manual and serial number.
    Can't see myself ever buying anything else on this subscription model.
  • 15
    Guess why I cracked all Adobe products I need? Because of shit like this.
  • 1
    On a Mac there is now a plethora of other software out there.
  • 5
    I acted so shit to them after the subscription shit that they made.

    I use all their softwares for free, plus i have login with adobe creative suite to them and download their fonts, plugins, mockups all for free.

    And sent them a pic of my all free goodies, with my real email address, told them if they block me, i will make an account generator for this method so people uses it.
    And lately i sent them a screenshot of there customer service who hangs the chat in my face, when i was willing to buy!
  • 2
    We are the devs. We know how this shit is happening. Stupid product team, stupid managers and an idiotic sales team.

    Punish those people - pirate.

    The devs will still receive their salaries but the double-digit-iq people, like sales, won't gwt their bonuses.
  • 3
    I just use a portable already cracked version... Fk Adobe and their prices. At least Microsoft gives away (or very cheap) products for students, for example
  • 0
    @nickhh Can I have a large list? 0o
  • 0
    And this is why we need FoIP
  • 1
    @dzil123 one word: AmtEmu
  • 1
    Same here in France coming from Belgium. And PayPal forced me to create a French account...
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