
I told my boss I'm depressed, I'm expecting to get fired.

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    or promoted?
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    @We3D lol you made laugh
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    Tell me how that goes
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    (If you get laid off)

    Take rest for some time. Live on a low-budget savings funded life until you're ready to get back out there.

    Keep applying to jobs in the meantime but don't rush into accepting one.

    You got this my man.
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    @Sid2006 thank you, my friends too have been telling me to apply for other jobs, but I don't have the energy to do a thing
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    It's okay to be stressed and depressed - our modern world is designed to make us feel that way.
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    @natesymer maybe it's normal these days, but I can't agree it is ok. @Manuch Either way it seems like a vacation or just some time resting will be good for you. Even if you don't get laid you can try that.
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    @We3D that was sarcasm... But yeah, look at the anthropology - civilization isn't good for us as a collective.
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    @natesymer I can agree to that statement. maybe we are not ready for a true civilization yet, like we seems to be stuck in a tribe society ( aways fighting our differences instead of combining them for the benefit of all ). And although I fancy myself to be good with the sarcasm I don't aways be able to detect it in others writings ( it's easier when listening )
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    The depressive episodes suck; sending you some acknowledgement that reality can be rough.

    Time to hit up those network contacts if you can
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    if they do, it's better to get out of that job anyway. you need to be around people that understand what you're going through. don't worry, it's gonna be ok, and change can be for the better
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    @sid2006 ♥️ You're a good egg. Take care of yourself OP. Fuck the rest

    Also it's it highly illegal to fire someone over ailment/disability/anything health related?
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