
WTF Ubuntu! Why did you uninstall my nvidia drivers.

  • 10
    Fuck you, nvidia!
  • 1
    Kernel update maybe?
  • 4
    Just guessing: They where not uninstalled, but rather a new Kernel Version was installed and the Driver was not installed on it. (Which proprietary Nvidiadrivers require because Nvidia is shit).
  • 2
    My Ubuntu 22.04 is asking for updates since 2 months now and now I'm afraid to hit the install updates button.
  • 0
    Looks like my first rant in this website is still relevant
  • 0
    Ubuntu has Nvidia drivers ? Lol
  • 1
    @mansur85 Intel? Since when? They are very active contributors. Also never had issues with it.

    Nvidia yeah avoid them. They used to have good hardware and better software, now that might have better hardware (don't follow everything) but for sure the worst software.
  • 0
    @happygimp0 Well, here's what happened - the updates indicated they were a bunch of nvidia* repo entries that were no longer needed. Now, I just assumed that they were being uninstalled because newer versions had been installed. It made sense as this happens every time my kernel gets updated. I guess this was not the case. Nothing like this has happened to me before and I use only Linux - at home and work (I'm the only one) for many years.

    Somebody fucked up.
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