My colleague is an expert at bullshitting during standup. I admire him, honestly.

  • 14
    That's called standup comedy
  • 4
    Stop bullshitting me!
    - Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • 5
    I'm fine with this.

    Many managers preach "trust in team members to be autonomous, take responsibility and get stuff done" but they also want status updates to an excess, and even good managers will often needlessly talk about stuff for ages if they think they can help.

    experienced devs who deliver can know it's best just to bullshit to keep management calm. After all - the stand up is still relevant for others who have real issues, so bullshitting to save time can leave more room for the real problems.
  • 4
    @jiraTicket I fully agree. You dont tell the manager that u have no idea how to implement X so now u gonna google and try stuff out for a week. You tell him that you are doing discovery in order to find the best solution because this is important.

    You dont tell a manager that u fucked up previously and now you have to refactor. You tell him that current solution has limitations and foundations need to be improved so that the app would be future proof and scale better in the future!

    You dont tell the manager that his ideas are stupid and will never be implemented. You tell him that his ideas are nice and u will add them to the backlog for now, because now there are some urgent priorities that have to be adressed first.

    And so on and so forth lol.
  • 1
    @topsecret230 this are gold nuggets!

    You should write a book on these and sell it on the gumroad!
  • 2
    @devJs This is what working in multiple dumpster fires (startups) does to you. You become a bullshiter in order to survive
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