
I hate sales people. I get physical urges of puking when i see or talk to them. Because no matter what you say all i hear is "give me your money"

  • 10
    You hate sales people because they try to sell shit to you.

    I hate sales people because they try to sell half-thought products with impossible deadlines that I have to deliver on or risk losing my job.

    We are not the same.

    At least we can agree that sales sucks.
  • 1
    @sariel this!

    Dude sold downgrade for big $$$ to the client, but described it like its unicorn who shits rainbows.

    We know we can't deliver but it was already sold so we are further downgrading and shaving off features.

    Can't stand this shit anymore and I will resign soon as I can't work for sales dickhead who boasts about numbers and how much we as a company sold this quarter.

    Selling shit results in shitty projects. All projects that I opened on company's git is basically shitty spaghetti Bolognese no matter if its xml, php or js, all totally unmaintainable and each of them has some weird ass quirks and shoddy local setup. Amateur hour at best, well TBH probably the whole amateur decade!
  • 0
    It's Marketing people who get my skin crawling.
    Synonyms include: Professional liars, master manipulator, soulless shell

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