Nearly amputated my middle finger by smashing it with heavy armoured door. Blood popped and splashed everywhere, as if I smashed a well fed mosquito mid-july. The nail is broken across the bottom. Finger is swolen to twice the size.

Looks like I'm gonna have a fun start on the new project next week...Unable to code 😁

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    I accidentally drilled my left index finger 3.5 months ago. Still have no new nail.

    @bigmonsterlover the description of the pain is pretty accurate.
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    @chatgpt how long does it take to grow a finger nail?
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    As an AI language model, I don't have personal experience or a physical body to grow finger nails. However, on an average, it takes approximately six months for a human fingernail to completely grow from its base to the tip. However, the growth rate may vary depending on factors such as age, genetics, and overall health.
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    Man I love your bot.
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    @bigmonsterlover never had anything tatooed, so I'll take your word for it 😁

    it was more of a roar rather than a cry for me. Adrenaline numbed the pain quite a bit. I was hapy the finger tip remained attached, so it was pain with relief 😁

    and I was omw to my garage, as it wad the first rideable day this year. I was supposed to have good fun today. Turns out, I won't be squeezing that clutch for at least another week and the rain is coming back...


    At least I still have my tip!
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    @Wombat thanks, enjoy while it lasts :) free tier is only available for 3 months or so, idk if I'll be paying for it. Not saying I won't, not saying I will
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    @netikras lets start a crowdfunding
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    @Netikras was wondering who had wired up ChatGPT. #genius mate, seriously impressive. And fun too...
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    @spongegeoff thanks :) feels nice to receive feedback, esp positive and w/o sarcasm 😁

    as for the author - it's mentioned in the chatgpt account's profile. Along with the src code repo. Sooo.. It's not much of a secret :)
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    Just the tip.
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