
So rant-ish question:

Since not much is happening around here, can ya’ll open source devRant so community can work on it? Seems like a perfect candidate for open sourcing.

The users of this app are perfect working on the app as well.

  • 13
    That would be interesting. But remember that it is made in php, and only like 3 of us like using PHP

    The rest of the userbase concentrates on hating PHP, Java, Javascript and C++ lol
  • 7
    @AleCx04 I hate PHP but I'd work with it to improve devrant. Some ends justify some means.
  • 1
    Really never understood why people don't like php. My jaw dropped when I started using other languages - what's simple in PHP is almost always really, really clonky in VBA, not much better in Python. No end of gotchas in VBA. And PHP makes difficult things very easy, things that literally need dozens of lines in other languages.
  • 9
    @spongegeoff i think using vba as a benchmark is pretty low
  • 0
    I recall dfox open-sourced some part of the project and was let down by the lack of engagement. Not heard of him much since.
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    @spongegeoff might you be referring to VB.NET? the use cases for PHP and VBA are way to different, one is used for web scripting and web app development, and the other one for automating or extending excel functionality, so I wouldn't really put them on the same category.
  • 0
    @AleCx04 ? I'm not putting PHP, VBA and Python in the same category - other than that they are all programming languages, hence can be compared in their array handling.
  • 0
    @spongegeoff the comparison sounded strange to me. It is like saying "php? matlab is worse!" when they are both used for two completely separate things. Ain't no one using VBA for web development, that is basically what confused me and the others. We didn't say that you were comparing them, just like the transition was odd.
  • 0
    @AleCx04 I think between all DR users, there's enough people who know PHP or are willing to learn...
  • 0
    @spongegeoff I've never seen anyone say VBA is a good language.

    How do you think Python compares to PHP though?
  • 0
    @YADU I haven't seen anyone say VBA is a good language either, but it's still the easiest way to get stuff automated in spreadsheet land and widely used, despite being very clunky for the array operations that provide a common area for comparison with other languages. Sorry, can't compare PHP and Python in any meaningful way here, but it's obvs been done many times elsewhere.
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