
Does anybody else have the project where every time you try to change something, no matter how small, you always end up screwing it up and needing a bunch more time to fix it just to get back to the starting position?

I have this project I've done, a custom Ambilight system for my TV, and everytime I try to add a feature the lights stop working altogether... Tried adding detection of when I start my media player to automatically start the Ambilight mode (I made several modes, one of which is just shine a certain color all the time which is great if you don't want to use normal lights and want to be able to control the lights from your phone).
I had the code for detecting app start and stop from before when I implemented it for a slightly different system. I just changed the few things that are different and poof, no more lights... I managed to forget the other system checked a flag after every process exit and overrode the mode and I removed the setting of the flag, but not reading of it...
Every single time I do changes on this it's something... Other projects sometimes go smoothly, sometimes not, but this one just doesn't want to be kind to me....
Results are awesome, though :)

  • 2
    Yeah sure every home project that include my wife interaction ... it's not her fault of course,but my home projects are very not wife tolerant
  • 0
    This is the reason TDD exists
  • 0
    @cjbatz for a home project that is specific to my needs? Ain't nobody got time for that :)
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    @Bikonja I get where you coming from, but the purist would say otherwise. Personally, I only TDD services and black box methods.
  • 0
    @cjbatz that's great for you, but I'm my case it's annoying, but not efficient like this
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