Hey DevRanters,

Have you ever taken a financial hit in your career?

If yes, what was it like?

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    on the other hand I've hit the financial bottom so many times... it feels refreshing. you can stop and look arround for a new perspective =]
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    Does reducing my salary by 50% [and starting anew] after 3 years in a tech position count?
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    Yea. Took 6 months out. Didn’t really effect me tbh
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    Every fucking project.
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    Sure, i had that odd startup client in my freelancer phase that payed me twice the money i got before. After a few years, management changed and they realized that the project wasn't realyl that good an idea in the first place (i knew and mentinoned my doubts back then but old management was really convinced and it wasn't a harmful thing, so i ended up having fun building it)...

    Wasn't really a problem. I lived from the savings i made with the project for a while, had some lesser projects and, eventually a fulltime job found me. Never got that much pay ever again though.

    While more money obviously is always better, it starts to matter less and less when you get more than you need for a basic standard of living. I am neither greedy nor wasteful. So if i get more than i need, that tends to just pile up until i need it.
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