A popular social media website in my country (which my friends and I were working on it's new design) was hacked and everyone on the dev side of the website was invited to the ministry of communications, believing we were going to discuss security of user data. The other guys (working on the back-end) were friends with the CEO (if you want to call it that) and naturally came to the meeting. They started to talk about the girls of their city. Meanwhile about 1.2 million user data encrypted with MD5 was out there.

  • 3
    so if anything goes wrong in iran just talk girls? 😀
  • 2
    Apparently. And do it with the secretary!
  • 2
    Encrypted with MD5. Cries in the corner
  • 3
    "encrypted with MD5"... Well wouldn't make much sense to talk with ex employees about the product, right?
  • 1
    So this how Stuxnet was able to go undetected!
  • 1
    It is a known psychology trick that let loose the teams in a meeting room and suddenly the subconscious talks gives subtle clues about everything they have been experiencing. I hope it was not being recorded for #%%#%*¥£<¥ teams to process. Bullshit fuck the hackers.
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