
since our profession involves a lot of standing, I was wondering how you fight that?

  • 1
    You fight stands with stands, obviously.
  • 5
    standing is healthy for you. standing is your friend.
  • 0
    welp, that was not how it sounded in my head ( I promise ). I do work mostly standing last few yrs ( 'bout 90% )... what I really ment was sitting/standing at one place for prolonged period, like 8+ hours like we do
  • 4
    Standing? How? Isn't most programming done sitting down. You can even do it laying in bed.
  • 1
    @electrineer or even in the bathtub listening my tube on youtube
  • 3
    @We3D yepp, the direct translation to EN made it sound weird :)

    And to answer your qn -- I don't fight it. I'm sitting when I'm working and I take occasional breaks to walk around the place.

    Health And Safety regulations in our country have us covered: we are allowed to take 15min breaks every 2 hours and a 1-hour long lunch break. So when you think about it, legally we can be not working for 2 hours every day.

    And then there are coffee breaks, toilet breaks, look-through-the-window-at-the-traffic breaks, "I'm thinking while walking" breaks, table tennis breaks, others even have smoke breaks!

    So when you think about it... we barely even work...
  • 0
    @netikras you have twice as much short breaks than me, but everything else is about the same, except that since working from home I'm counting my additional breaks so I know how much should I work more to finish the day + 10-20 mins almost every day for "just to finish this, before I forget what I'm doing"...and I'm not workocholic persona, just wanna be fair and triangle on my end
  • 1
    @We3D so, what you're talking about are the downsides of... every office job, ever, since offices exist?

    but.. try a treadmill. then you can walk at your standing desk.
  • 1
    @tosensei that's an option, but not sure how practical might be to do so....I'm thinking to myself while walking, smoking and typing on my phone like zombie :D
  • 1
    I go to the gym. All of my other hobbies except photography require me being a lazy slob, so if I don’t exercise I’ll probably fuck myself in the long term. Comes with the added benefit of getting buff, rarely getting sick, and improving my self esteem.
    Also, standing up and walking every now and then.
  • 0
    @ars1 walking is my main 'sport' and few parkour moves ( just love to test my jumping and balancing abilities ). I have a bike, but it's el. 1 so I don't sweat too much on it... buut around the lockdowns I burned out completely, just quit my job and did nothing for a long period of time. to not completely shut my brain down I was amusing myself with combinatorics and numbers ( I know... much fun, but I did enjoyed it ). And this year I set a goal to walk at least 16k steps a day ( which with my speed is about 11km+- ) and since I'm going good so far I will try to make it 18k avg per day @ the end of the year =]
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    @Nanos I've heard that too. I wonder how much is true. May research the athlets a bit to figure out
  • 1
    @Nanos too much of _everything_ is bad. but in general, most of us are sitting too much and could stand some more.
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