

I work currently on a little startup and something that bothers me it's that even though I've been telling them I'm a Backend developer, they want me doing Frontend.

So, I beg to you, fellows, any recommendations on books or tutorials to learn CSS good practices, design, scrolling animations and whatsoever?

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    The good old w3Schools.com
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    @elonmusk Yeah, it's good but my level it's a little bit higher than that, hahaha. (At least that's what I'd like to think)
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    As a front end developer who's dipped toes into backed I really feel you. I used to like csstricks.com, alistapart.com, smashing magazine, zurb stuff (beyond foundation), umm... Maybe goolgling some names is the way to go. Paul Irish, Lea verou, chris coyier, and I'm forgetting one of the Biggie's...
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