
That's a question I found today at stackoverflow, though it was deleted when I tried to read and the user was deleted as well.
What do you people think?

I think the person who wrote this is one of those people who think that stackoverflow is a place to find someone else to do your homework...

  • 8
    Well SO community can be very unforgiving, especially if you ask questions that resemble home work or where it seems like you not even tried.

    But there are also a lot of really bad questions that never should have been asked there.

    Many new visitors gave not bothered to read up on what SO is, they probably found it searching for answers on google and went right ahead and fired of their own question.

    Then there are the self appointed police that consider it their life goal to eradicate bad questions and that often overreact and that should never be allowed to wield anything more deadly that a cooked spaghetti ;)
  • 5
    I bet that the question didn't follow the (simple) guidelines. Also this is a question that belongs to meta, if in this form at all :P
  • 3
    The reason that you find many high-quality answers is BECAUSE of the strict moderation.

    Many people do not bother to read a single paragraph of rules/guidelines, and 99% of new questions are really really bad.

    If a question satisfies a very simple baseline, the answers are 9000% better and people were more willing to invest their FREE, UNPAID time to answer the question.
    - search Google and stack for like, 5 minutes
    - if you are asking for a library/framework, search their docs for additional 5 minutes
    - explain what are you really trying to do (not the symptom or error message alone)
    - explain what you already tried, and why that didn't work
    - provide all the necessary information & context (in the question, not somewhere in the comments)
  • 1
    @hawkes well that maybe true I read the guidelines and spent a couple hours setting up my questions, three at separate times and 2 in objective-c one in php, the objective-c questions were different categories being iOS but for iPad and iPhone.

    The php question had 3 suggestions, which I proceeded to try all three ways and found an answer, same sort of thing with the iPhone question really helpful people with helpful answers.

    iPad question however I got no replies for months and proceeded to edit to say, sorry I couldn't find an answer, then this arsehole decided he'd belittle me, now for the purpose of the question I had snippets of code and shown that I intentionally did that for the question, he followed up saying I was doing everything wrong and that I should start from scratch, which wasn't the point in the question, I completely ignored him from then on out.

    So I've had my experience from just that, not sure if I'll ever ask a question, I'll just read documentation.
  • 1
    Just to add on about that question I searched a lot about the issue (spent a month, eventually came to a decision to do a workaround)
  • 1
    Maybe he's just asking why they like the MEAN stack so much
  • 0
    @jop- Those who don't like programming don't have to mess with it.
  • 1
    @Jop- yeah for my bachelor's you have to do the mandatory programming papers at the start even if you want to major in something different like networking
  • 1
    Hi, your rant is not in the correct format. Please follow the community guidelines. Thank you.
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