
Frozen Caveman Antipattern is a real thing, as I’ve found out

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    ^ we have these
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    Wow, it has a name. For us it is currently:

    - Refusing to keep nuget packages updated because 'one time long ago, updating X nuget package introduced a bug'

    - Creating a scheduled task to run every minute to create a backup json file for a web service in case the backing database goes down. Contents? Maybe 20 records. Argument of 'that's a little extreme, isn't it?' was met it "BUT WHAT IF THE DATABASE GOES DOWN!!!". We don't do this for anything else.

    - Forcing a re-check of a JWT security token *every minute* (is it still valid?, not-expired?, etc) and creating an infrastructure to renew that token. Argument of, "if JWT becomes invalid, simply request a new one?", was met with "NO! THE DEVELOPERS WOULD HAVE TO WRITE CODE TO HANDLE IT!!!"

    What's your example?
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    @PaperTrail Insisting we use X legacy technology to get work done when we could use Y to get it done now (and being shocked when we went and did Y anyways)
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    @Burgundxyz > "we could use Y to get it done"

    Getting a little bit of that adopting Blazor for our internal web apps. Fortunately our department mgr approval process has been "If I won't be yelled at for you using X technology, go for it."

    As time goes on, I'm sure there will be grumbles of 'we should be using React' and 'industry standard is Angular' will be heard.
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    @PaperTrail Any argument involving what is and isn't industry standard tech in the web space is invalid by default because there's simply no such thing. The most popular frontend framework is React, but only because it's flexible and doesn't come with a specific state manager or server so it acts as an umbrella category for an incredibly fragmented group. The most popular web stack is LAMP, but only because of Wordpress.
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    @lorentz > "Any argument involving what is and isn't industry standard tech in the web space is invalid"


    Pick a tool, does it work? You like it? Users happy? You win.
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    Well, learned sth new today.
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