I hate motherfucking SQL.

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    Feel this - trying to figure out rn why my .bacpac is not importing on sqlpackage docker container, but it’s importing no problemo on SSMS in my VM. And the error messages are like “something went wrong - operations not supported” and then it proceeds to spout error messages that aren’t even helpful??? I’m going to break something I swear.
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    Just use non-motherfucking SQL then.
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    Whats the problem with it?

    Yes it can be hard but thats because databases with performance is a hard problem and SQL has proven to be one of the overall best ways to solve this unless you go with multiple different DB’s but that adds another can of worms of complexity believe me :)
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    @chonky-quiche ot is permissions, or user ownership issues.
    If possible, always import the file explicitly, instead of putting it in the user home directory.
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    Why arent you using an object relational mapper then?
    ORM libraries are the new hotness.
    SQL is socks with crocs.
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    @Wisecrack ORMs still translate to SQL in the background. Some knowledge of SQL will save you from asking very dumb SO questions like "Why does my favorite ORM not work like I expect it to?"
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