when i say that php sucks i am not attacking you. people do not understand this. i fucking love javascript but i know there are technologically better options for backend, especially for some of the hyperspecific tasks i want to achieve, but i appreciate the familiarity i have with it. so when i tell you that PHP is dreadful i mean the language. you can make cool shit in PHP. i not doubt your ability to PHP and i do not think it makes you a lesser person or that it is not valuable knowledge. i am merely saying, especially when i am replying to you praising PHP, that it is still a language built on piles of junk with spaghetti patchwork of older in built functions and a walking liability if you do not know what you are doing. for a language that pretends to be a high level and easy language PHP is surprisingly fucking complicated and easy to fuck up, even for someone that is decently adapted to programming.

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    I just don't think that's true at all. Can't quite understand why anyone would have a problem with php - with a PHP framework such as Zend, absolutely, I get it (and 100% agree), but core PHP is both simple and powerful.
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    Saying X sucks is an attack on everyone that puts an effort in contributing to X and its ecosystem.

    Like @spongegeoff I don't agree that it sucks at all. Love to work with it since v7. Didn't like v4 and v5.4 was already good (due to namespacing and the impact it had on class loading etc.)

    I haven't touched PHP in a long time and can agree with you that it might not be the best tool for your task on the backend. But that does not mean that it sucks and is not useful for other tasks.
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