If I see you on the street and you look at me weird again I’m going to break your fucking face. My knee is going to go thru your skull you miserable fuck.

  • 12
    Are you alright? Your posts are reminding me of AoK. Just a bit out there.
  • 6
    I was like bro, itscthe return of AoK!
    Then I clicked and saw that it was not AoK, it was AoKs alt.
  • 5
    I thought it was AOK. Not disappointed either way.
  • 3
    am I the only one guessing right this time. first thought it's @chonky-quiche...maybe bc AoK wasn't posted anything soon ( hope he is ok, or enjoing his neigbhor company and that's why he don't have time for us ), and bc I've seen similar post from him already ;)
  • 5
    Ah yes. Nothing like responding in extreme violence to a glance.
    What the fuck is up with people nowadays .-.
  • 3
    @ostream the nostalgia warms my heart
  • 2
  • 1
    Love u @bigmonsterlover
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