- Free app:
"5 stars - OMG this app is awesome!!!"
- Add new feature with In-app purchase:
"1 star - App sucks balls. Why we must pay? Make free and I rate 5 stars"
I call them The Rating Terrorists.

  • 4
    In app purchase are the worst, much rather spend the money i get from Google surveys, can't do that in app
  • 0
    @botti I thought you could? I know I spent some money on Pokemon go once since I had quite a bit saved up. Although maybe that was still the $50 credit I got with from buying my Nexus...
  • 1
    I I'm pretty sure you can't
  • 1
    @botti probably the Nexus thing then. Well that's good to know!
  • 0
    Regardless of Google Opinion, I personally prefer a single payout initially, then forget about it.
    People should be allowed to be rating terrorists, as the rating reflects how you feel about not just the product, but also the business model.
    Sure is a pain for the Dev, but I am glad that modding a score is noticed. Done it multiple times, when I eventually met a show stopper in-app.
    What I dislike most, is the either-give-a-5-star-or-we-don't-want-you-to-vote policy. Even open a different feedback channel for less-than-5-votes.
  • 1
    people are a pain in the ass. the longer I work as a tech support, the more I hate people.
  • 1
    No in app purchase = 5 star

    Just pay once for premium content model = still 5 star

    Ad = I don't care, 5 star


    Watch Ad for bonus model = 1 star

    In app purchase for coins/gem that leads to thousand dollar spending just for simple feature (eg. Azar) or Pay 2 win (eg: 99% of mobile game) = 1 star plus a f*ck you
  • 1
    I was thinking about a model revolved around watching an ad for a drop rate boost or something, I just don't see it actually making money in that instance though.

    I'd never throw ads in your face after button clicks it's definitely one of the things I hate.
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