Did anyone here created a css style sheet for universal use?

Or writing separate code for every single project?

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    Different project gets different stylesheet.
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    What @Letmecode said.
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    I ,kind of, have it, when a project get complex, I create plug and play classes with 1 or 2 properties each.
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    @thepra have a link?
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    @elonmusk this approach is scattered around many projects of mine, didn't got it in one solution.css, but it's pretty straight forward:
    .tac{text-align: center}
    .disBl{display: block}
    And so on... For whatever your need.
    You could even make modular sections within if you want for example vertical only or horizontal only properties, such as:
    ._vpdd2{padding:2% 0}
    ._hpdd2{padding:0 2%}
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    @thepra ah! I do have mine ! But want to rewrite on them! πŸ˜‚
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    @thepra πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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    @Letmecode you should make a couple of pages (sites? Books?) explaining how to write correct HTML and CSS though, I would gladly read it
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    @Artemix add the GitHub link in your profile πŸ˜’πŸ˜’
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    @Letmecode did you purchase any domain? So that I can keep track of that!

    I will keep the domain link in my remainders :)
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    I have something like a personal library of all the classes that I use with some rests and an edited version of BootStrap (sadly can't get rid of BS it cuz it's standard where I work)

    I like using sass so I've standardized some mixins for transitions, animations and other useful tools like a mixins for qualified​ selectors, ie or edge queries, cross browser flex properties, some conversions like vw to px by breakpints, etc

    I think everyone has their own styling style :) , it's definitely interesting to see other's code, but if you're​ not going to use it regularly, then I feel it's a waste to include an entire stylesheet that you end up using only a couple classes from.
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    Like those who include animate.css and end up using only fadeInUp,

    As stupid as it sounds I've reviewed many projects that went live with something like that...
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    @Nedo-the-angry πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    At least it is better than having to write to again!
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    @elonmusk it's easier but it pisses me off regardless especially when the client actually likes it and believe his site is "lazy loading"
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    @Letmecode please link as soon as it is ready!
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    I have a few css templates I wrote for different purposes. I use them maybe less than half the time. Other half is from scratch or picking up where some1 left off.
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