
Am I the only one that enjoys watching hacker movies even though they are completely absurd?

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    What's your fav?
  • 4
    I don't know, I just watched a german movie called 'Who Am I' which was pretty cool, but I like Mr. Robot as well!
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    @rpcaldeira I completely agree. Mr. Robot is fantastic
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    "Triple the speed of the Pentium"
    Hackers had about as much to do with hacking as html has to do with programming. But I can't help loving it! Also really enjoyed Ctrl+Alt+Del and Mr Robot. There was another old film I liked, similarly naff but it had some great lines in it...Sneakers I think it might have been called.
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    @craphon 'Who am I' was pretty good. Did you watch it in German or English? If the later how good is the translation?
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    I watched the german version, so I can't answer your question. But the end if the movie was just awesome :)
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    I like the 80s movie Wargames and its potrayal of hacking.
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    How about Kung Fury tho? Gotta be careful not to hack too much time..
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    Yes. Yes you are. I absolutely cringe everytime these dumb fucking hacker scenarios that have absolutely nothing to do with hacking appear in movies or whatever.
  • 3
    Mr Robot is actually awesome. I also like Silicon Valley but it's not much about hacking rather programming
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