Switching between Mac and Windows and always getting confused with key placements and shortcuts :c

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    I have a guy in office who switched his command and ctrl key functions on his mac
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    This! I have a Windows VM on my Mac for VS and I always get messed up
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    That's me every day working on Mac and remoting into a win8 box.
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    I use autohotkey on windows to bind all OSX shortcuts alongside a British osx keyboard layout.

    works wonders and no more confusion, although I'm now a complete numpty on an actual windows machine.
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    @phunky would you mind sharing said shortcuts? I'll give you a virtual cookie.
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    @k1sul1 already have below, you'll need autohotkey though.
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    thanks m8, I can manage with the autohotkey dependency, and I can always just build it into an exe!
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    @phunky +1 for using the word "numpty"
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