Feature request for favouriting a comment.

Some comments are really helpful/awesome.

  • 2
    @NufMeister My screenshot folder contains 600+ images. 😉
  • 3
    Or, at least an option to copy comment content. Now I have to copy rant link, open it in browser and then copy rant/comment there.
  • 11
    Interesting idea. I think it's a good one. We definitely need some way to either favorite or link to a comment. We could have links that go directly to comments maybe, or like you suggest a way to favorite them. We could maybe also do copy and paste but not sure.
  • 0
    @Gradle Make a new album for helpful comments. Takes a minute to move it from one folder to another lol
  • 0
    @Gradle oh you Gradle 😂
  • 0
    @dfox good idea but just ensure you make the system flexible/filterable so you can utilise the information. is your feature basically what the tag system should have been?:)
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