What you guys gonna work over weekend?

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    Wrap up a sprint and plan for the next one that starts on Monday. Also, going to a baseball game tomorrow, my first.
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    RealContinuity.com blog and LinkedIn newsgroup, php link value system, word-o-matic and watching Click, Horizons, SciTec, Henry Ford and Xploration 2050 - great weekend! How about you guys?
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    Bravely Second. Now that's work!
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    everything I couldn't get done today. I don't know why they call it a weekend when a devs week never really ends
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    Get out my status bass and start slapping. You seriously need to switch off completely for 24 hours. It gives your brain time to de-fragment, your work improves too.
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    Agree 🙌🏼
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    Another personal project that's at least three times more complex than all the work I've done for employers this past year. Combined.

    Because it's not enough to build only one such personal project if you want to actually have a portfolio.
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    Attempt to try and fix the atom-hg package that helps devs using atom see what changes they made before doing a commit 😁. Was working until Atom added their Async Git feature 😟
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    build something of little value in react that will never see the light of day...
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    figure out how to "hello world" with react, then go to ladies-only nude swimming.
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