Employer bans StackOverflow and Github but still wants me to develop stuff. Planning to quit.

  • 15
    That's pretty messed up! Why would they do that?
  • 37
    "Stackoverflow? Sounds like a bad Tetris knock-off. I should block it."
  • 19
    I think one can only work the most effective in a relaxed atmosphere and only when everybody has trust in each other...
  • 9
    @Olverine they probably think workers are slaves. I've known a manager that was checking IP traffic statistics to see who visits which sites.
  • 11
    Planning. You should be gone!
  • 6
    Omg, run mate, run!
  • 29
    Easy bro, follow these steps:
    1. Go to: translate.google.com
    2. Enter Stackoverflow url for translation
    3. U'll see the url in translation output, click it
    4. Profit

    Attached image is from my phone so it's messed up but zoom in on the url u'll see it's googleusercontent and not Stackoverflow.com
  • 9
    How could one possibly develop anything without Stack Overflow?
  • 12
    I'm sorry to tell you bud but if you can't develop stuff without stackoverflow then quit or get better
  • 1
    For real?
  • 1
    It´s a sinking ship you should have already abandoned.
  • 0
    The technology you're using at your company, are those dependent on these sites, or is this a gentle way of telling you to RTFM, aka official docs?
  • 1
    Copied from reddit.
  • 6
    @LrdShaper are you saying that, just because we don't know a thing or two, we should quit our jobs?

    I guess you see how stupid that sounds...
  • 3
    @gitpush it is not about using alternative ways, it is about why would some one block access to stackover flow, whats wrong using it??, this act is really insane, employer should encourage his employees to use this awesome site, But here the case is opposite
  • 2
    @AdeE true, and I think employer thinks frameworks these days are too few and easy to memorize 😓
  • 1
    indeed, employer thinks that he has recruited salve not developer, employer should have no problem if his employees use any helping hand service
  • 2
    @LrdShaper the problem could arise, when the employer expects the same amount of work done.

    SO saves me on average around 1-2 hours per project just on debugging.

    I think quitting is a last resort, however if the OP has any other offers and his boss does not listen, than quitting could make a big impact and might change the way the boss looks at his workers as he will be understaffed.
  • 1
    The more experience I have in my field, the less I have to visit stack overflow or similar sites. However, trust me when I say, even after 2 years focusing my expertise in one single thing, I still sometimes need a lil' boost. Just yesterday I was forced on work to do some socket handling... With PHP... I don't need to say anything else on this comment. Self explanatory. :'(

    I'm sorry for you, mate, get the hell out of there and find other work to do.
  • 0
    Never honestly had a need to go to either to do my job however I do see how they are helpful.

    If I needed it and I couldn't access I'd do what most do...pick up my phone.
  • 0
    Is this what technical interviews are supposed to be preparing you for?
  • 0
    They just banned GitHub at my work. The manager has repeatedly said it used to be worse. He mentioned they didn't let us have internet when the project started for about 6 months. The last developer who left had a great quote for this "Beatings will continue till moral improves".
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