
why does every guy named Robert have a nickname Bob ?

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    Robert -> Rob -> Bob
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    Bob is short for Robert
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    //I am from India
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    @Jase some are uncle Sam
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    @Alice can help you with that!
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    Richard -> Dick ???
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    @Ashkin 😂😂
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    @Ashkin that's his real name
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    @Ashkin I've always assumed something like Richard -> Rick -> Dick
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    In English we have a long and confusing tradition of shortening names and changing initial letters. Eg, Margaret got shortened to Meg, which got changed to Peg because it couldn't get shortened any further, which then got lengthened again to Peggy, which then became a name in its own right. So Margaret and Peggy are essentially the same name even though they only have one letter in common. English, you gotta love it..
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