
I blacklisted gaypal across my entire home network wifi from router settings. I do not ever want to see or hear this disgusting pile of bullshit fraud corporation in my face again. EVER

  • 5
    I think you may have a typo in your configuration
  • 9
    @electrineer He probably means the dating app.
  • 0
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  • 2
    @bigmonsterlover I’m going to downwote this and any other posts using words such as ”gay” as pejoratives as offensive/spam. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • 0
    @b2plane well, I am offended in behalf of all the gays. There’s a lot of words in the world that are wrongly used as pejoratives, but using ”gay” as such really stucks a nerve with me (despite not being gay myself), and I just dearly wish that would just go away. It always saddens me when I see it.
  • 1
    @b2plane so that means you don’t even have any gay friends? You’re really missing out…
  • 1
    @b2plane i have nothing against closeted homophobes who are deeply in denial, as long as they stay away from all people.
  • -1
    @bigmonsterlover ok get the fuck out of my rants you dipshit who gets butthurt from a rant. Or maybe you got butt-hurt from something else
  • 1
    @b2plane why are you getting butthurt for "people not wanting you to use them as insult"? why are you being such a b2plane?
  • 1
    what the hell happened here, and why did b2 delete all their comments (or so it seems)?
  • 1
    @thebiochemic the comments received a couple downvotes so they were hidden. You can go read them in b2's profile.
  • 0
    @thebiochemic beats me, i didnt do nothing. Probably cause some people got butthurt and triggered over a rant. Pathetic. If i would have known gays get triggered over a rant i wouldnt have mentioned that word in the first place. Well noted for future rants at least. Right now it's best to ignore them cause i have no energy or will to argue on gay topics, nor do i have anything against gays
  • 0
    ah. Oh..

    @b2plane from what i have gathered it seems like inappropriate language and homophobic tendencies.

    It's 2023, LGBTQ+ is a normal thing, Cut out discriminating remarks and you'll be fine. People are people regardless what their orientation and situation is and you will accept that. At the end of the day we accepted you here, regardless of your situation/orientation.
  • -1
    @thebiochemic like i said i dont hate them as long as they dont enforce that bullshit onto me. I choose to remain living a natural life just like they can choose to live lgbtq+ life
  • 0
    I'm interested in how devRant treats downvoted comments.
    Since @b2plane says that he didn’t delete them, the assumption is that they are hidden when the vote number is smaller than -1 (just like rants). But I can’t find the comments in the profile. They seem to be gone completely.
    Which is a pity.
    I hate it when a conversation thread becomes hard to make sense of because someone relates to something that’s not there anymore.
  • 0
    Let’s make a test:
    Please downvote this comment and we will see what happens.
  • 0
    @Lensflare the truth always gets censored
  • 0
    @Lensflare I don't think it's that simple. Negative values are sometimes visible but -1 may be hidden.
  • 0
    @electrineer what do you mean?
    I’ve seen comments with -1 quite often but I don’t remember seeing -2 etc. ever.
    For rants I’m pretty sure that -2 and lower means it is hidden from the feed but still available in the profile.
  • 0
    @Lensflare it's hard to know if for example 4 upvotes and 3 downvotes would cause the comment to be automatically hidden.
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